Thursday 8 August 2013

Feeling Sheepish

Well today was the day the lambs were being released from their pen-itentiary. All started off well,  I took one out every five/ten minutes and they just hung around the pen until I let the last one out, then they edged away to nibble some grass and the goats did a charge attack at them, off they went straight through the fence.  Rounded them up got them back in and set about lowering fence wires, whilst I was doing that they went through the fence on the other side (it was off because I was working on it).  Rounded them up again and tried to get them back in the pen, managed to catch one and that escaped whilst I was trying to get the others, all this was not helped by Bandit (the goat) being in a stroppy mood and snorting in my face all the time. 

Came back to house for a quick cuppa, then went back an hour later and all the sheep were on the track nibbling the grass, which is fine so long as they don't wonder off our land and the dogs don't find them!

By this afternoon they had moved onto the old goat enclosure, which has got electric fence around it so I know the dogs won't get in there (famous last words).  I have now re-arranged netting fence in the hope I can lure them in with hay and trap them in there, there is plenty of grass there which will give me time to work out plan C.

The pigs were on the track again up at the old ruin, so I have plotted another master plan to get them back. Part of the ruin is still standing on three sides so if we build a big sturdy fence/gate with pig wire at the bottom, and I can lure them in there with pig nuts (already started putting some there to see if they will fall for it) and then I will quickly shut the gate, sounds so simple doesn't it? But of course it won't be.  For one thing, that means I have to hide somewhere in close enough proximity to pounce out and shut the gate as soon as they go in, I don't think that is going to happen.  For such large and cumbersome animals they move very quickly when they want to.  

Well it has been an exhausting day, just off back down to try to lure the lambs into the new fenced off bit, wish me luck.

Photos will be posted on Facebook of my successful capture of escapees, hopefully.

Do you have a story about capturing and keeping farm animals where they are suppose to be?  Would love to hear it, use the comment box or post on my Facebook page;

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