Thursday 2 January 2014

Happy New Year

Happy New Year,hope you had a peaceful and enjoyable Christmas.

We have spent some of the Christmas holiday catching up on animal jobs. We finally managed to separate the male piglets from the female and put them in the new pig pen, photos in next blog post.

We rounded up the goats and moved them down to their winter quarters again. Every time I have moved them down to the barn they have broken free and come back up to their summer enlosure.  This time we tethered Eleanor and Masie.  I have been getting worried about getting them to stay near/in the barn as both female goats are pregnant and I wanted to get them use to the barn before they give birth.  Our timing couldn't  have been better, we moved them on the 31st and this morning I went down to find we had a new addition, Eleanor hàs given birth to a very cute and rather sturdy little kid, that definitely looks like its father Bandit.  It is very fluffy so I haven't determined whether it is a boy or a girl yet.  We are calling it January because it was born on the 1st January.  What a great start to the new year.  Thank goodness the weather is fairly mild at the moment.

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